Author: Dan Ralley
Peter Kageyama to Keynote OCMA 2025 Annual Conference
Peter Kageyama will keynote the 2025 OCMA Annual Conference February 26-28. Peter is the author of For the Love of Cities: The Love Affair Between People and Their Places, the follow up, Love Where You Live: Creating Emotionally Engaging Places and his latest, The Emotional Infrastructure of Places.
Peter is a Senior Fellow with the Alliance for Innovation, a national network of city leaders that is dedicated to improving the practice of local government. Since speaking to them in 2013, Peter has become a special advisor to America In Bloom. He is an internationally sought-after community development consultant and grassroots engagement strategist who speaks all over the world about bottom-up community development and the amazing people who are making change happen.
Patti Willoughby: Minerva
Patti joins OCMA as the Finance Director and Interim Village Manager for the Village of Minerva.
Howard Kitko: New Carlisle
Howard Kitko is the Director of Public Service for the City of New Carlisle, and is currently serving as the Interim City Manager.
Cameron Haller: Tipp City
Cameron Haller is the Chief of Emergency Services for Tipp City.
Hanna Ryland: Cincinnati
Hanna joins OCMA as a Senior Budget Analyst for the City of Cincinnati.