Colerain Township has been awarded a SolSmart Gold designation for our efforts to make it faster, easier, and more affordable to go solar! We are proud to be recognized as a national leader in advancing solar energy.
Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office, SolSmart recognizes cities and counties for cutting red tape and making solar more affordable and accessible for homes and businesses. We are committed to reducing solar energy costs at the local level and encouraging even more homes and businesses to use this clean, affordable energy source. The SolSmart Gold designation recognizes that we are “open for solar business,” helping to attract solar industry investment that generates economic development and jobs.
Colerain Township recently announced that it will be installing 60 solar panels on the roof of the Community Center. These panels are expected to generate 29% of the total electric used at the Community Center, resulting in a reduction in electric bill costs of $8,000 per year. The return on investment for this product is estimated at 12 years, barring any inflation in electric rates. Given the 25-year warranty, this will result in an estimated total savings of 13 years of electric at the Community Center which amounts to $104,000 dollars. This return on investment is much higher for this project than the rate of return on investing the Township’s idle cash.
Additionally, Colerain Township works with residents on issuing certificates to make solar installation easier for people who live in our area. In fact, nearly a dozen solar installation certificates were issued in the month of July alone!
SolSmart is led by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) and the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office. More than 450 municipalities, counties, and regional organizations have achieved SolSmart designation since the program launched in 2016.
SolSmart provides free technical assistance to help local governments reduce obstacles to solar energy development. This allows even more local homes and businesses to obtain affordable, clean, and reliable electricity through solar. Colerain Township is helping local communities coordinate on setting goals and strategies for sustainable energy growth.
SolSmart also helps communities streamline local procedures to reduce the time and money it takes to install a solar energy system. This can include adjusting permitting, planning, and zoning requirements to reduce obstacles to solar energy use while meeting other community development goals.
SolSmart uses objective criteria to award points based on the actions they take to reduce barriers to solar energy development. Organizations that take sufficient action are designated either Gold, Silver, or Bronze. Interested parties can learn more at
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