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Mitchell Ament

The Ohio State Univeristy,
John Glenn College of Public Affairs
Major: Public Management, Policy, and Leadership Major Specialization: Urban Management Double-Minor: Political Science and History

Management Intern City of Dublin
March 2022 – Present

Mitchell is currently one of two Management Interns in the City of Dublin’s Office of the City Manager. He attends and is involved in high-level staff meetings, committee meetings, and council meetings, that provide him with
a great learning experience surrounding the day-to-day function of a large, public, organization.

Mitchell will complete hisundergraduate education in December of 2022, and intends on continuing to work in local government, in either a large suburb or urban city. After securing his first full-time job out of college, Mitchell will be enrolling in an MPP or MPA program, hopefully finding a dual MPP/MPA and JD joint program.